Festive Memories with Estelle and her Family

Resident Estelle Nairn and her family fondly recall their favourite Christmas traditions and cherished memories.

In the heart of our home, Christmas stories are made of cherished memories and lasting traditions. This festive season, Woodford Manor Aged Care resident, Estelle Nairn along with her children, Margaret and Graham, unfold the pages of their beloved Christmas history.

For Estelle’s family, the magic of Christmas mornings began with early rises and the aroma of a freshly baked traditional Christmas cake. A family tradition held dear, the children faithfully left out biscuits for Santa and carrots for the reindeers. Today, Margaret has carried on the tradition of baking the Christmas cake to continue the cherished recipe from her mother.

Estelle's face lit up when Margaret recalls the joy on her parents' faces as they watched their children unwrap presents. Estelle and her husband ensured their children never missed out, always striving to fulfil the wishes whispered to Santa. The warmth of these moments became the heartbeat of their family Christmas.

As an annual tradition, the Nairn family embarked on a five-week camping adventure at either Kira Beach or Burleigh every Christmas... One memorable year saw them getting stuck in a cyclone, with Estelle reminiscing and laughing at the memory of her husband and herself holding tent poles to brave the storm. There was another hilarious moment Estelle recalled when the family opted for a hotel stay in Burleigh instead of camping. The owner of the hotel was known for being a bit grumpy and was unwittingly involved in a humorous incident when Margaret brought her pet mouse with her. Margaret’s father had even crafted a box for it; however, it turned out to be a rat. Estelle, recognising it wasn’t a mouse, guided Estelle and Graham in discreetly hiding the unexpected guest from the hotel owner. Recalling this story, Estelle couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

When asked to encapsulate the essence of Christmas in three words, Estelle’s family choose wisely: "Family, Happiness, Love." These words encapsulate the enduring spirit that has defined the Nairn family's Christmas celebrations throughout the years.

As we immerse ourselves in the festive season, may Estelle's Christmas reminiscence inspire us to embrace our own traditions, find joy in shared laughter, and treasure the love that defines the true meaning of Christmas.

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