Pets at Woodford

Find out more about our pet companionship program at Woodford Manor Aged Care.

At Woodford Manor Aged Care, we love animals. We welcome pets into our home as it helps residents with their mental health by decreasing stress and anxiety, helps to combat loneliness and brings a lot of joy.

We have a lot of ex-farmers at Woodford Manor, and every Monday, the local cattle yards are in full swing so many residents enjoy heading over to watch the sale. We also have a Shetland pony, Stormy, who visits our home once a month and is a highlight for many residents. Stormy can be a bit cheeky and has a habit of placing his head on residents’ beds to demand a cuddle.

We have many animal lovers in the home including Facility Manager, Natalie, who often brings in her chihuahua, Mort, as well as other members of our team who bring in their furry friends to play with and cuddle residents.

For Woodford Manor resident, Loy, having animals and pets visit the home means a lot to her when she moved into care as it brings back happy memories of her childhood. Throughout her life, Loy had many cats and dogs, but she tells us that her favourite was her most recent cat, Anushana, who she even used to take for walks. ‘I had Anushna for four years but had to give her away when I came into care, it broke my heart, but I am lucky she went to a lovely lady’ says Loy.

When asked what she likes most about seeing animals come into our home, Loy says, ‘It makes my day so much better, all the animals that come in are so cute and cuddly but my favourite is Stormy.’

‘If I am having a sad day, which as a human we all do, it takes all the sadness away. I would love to have more cats visit,’ Loy says. ‘I would love Woodford Manor to have a permanent pet to live here with us all.’

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